3 ways to kickstart your mojo đź’Ş

Posted by SpikeHQ MondayMotivator

As you can tell it’s been a busy day if this is coming to you in the afternoon. Oops. Sorry.

Today, I’ve also been trying to find some positive and optimistic posts on Linkedin amoungst the trite and hackneyed posts found there more and more often. Seriously, the only thing happening on the 1st of April is the start of a new financial year.

Then I found one!

It’s from Stu Lees. If you don’t know Stu he’s the marketing guy I call on to stay focused and get an outside perspective. He presented this idea in our daily Lounge call. If you know, you know. If you don’t hit Stu up about. I’d love to see you there.

So here’s the idea for 3 things to do this week if you need to move the dial on your mojo…

  1. Post or email something positive to your audience.
  2. Seek out a person and help them with zero expectation of something in return.
  3. Set yourself a treat for yourself for Friday.

After our call today Stu posted more on the subject. You can read it here.

Have a great week and if you’re in Auckland I hope you looked up and saw the awesome contrail of a jet plane in a holding pattern. Better than rainbows 🙂

See it here – https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cax0JkshcJ3/.

Have a successful week.