Our Struggle, Our Opportunity!

Welcome to this week’s MondayMotivator 🙂

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MM july08 - Our Struggle, Our Opportunity!

Good morning,

Life is full of struggle and it is in the overcoming of that, that we advance, grow and succeed.

For example, furniture makers know the best wood comes from old trees that have been toughened by the constant battle against nature. Like the trees, our character is toughened by struggle. Choosing the path of least resistance can mean we slip through life without a purpose or a plan.

The struggle is an opportunity!

Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without a struggle and success comes to those who face difficulty head-on, overcome it and move on to meet the next challenge.

Reframe struggle as an opportunity to grow and advance. Sometimes, as you know that might only be in character because the struggle can be real. But a strong character is one who is remembered fondly and longer than someone who has slipped through life.

Have a great week and embrace the struggle.

Glenn Edley

Quote for the week

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. ”

– Helen Keller