Execution in the home (or work place)

The execution I am talking about today is not the fly swatting, or chop someones head off kind, but execution of a plan. We (that is the human population) are great at coming up with amazing ideas, launching them and then failing to get them to their full potential.

I started thinking about this a lot recently when reading Reality Check by Guy Kawasaki and realising I was doing the same thing. Great ideas, poor execution because I’m busy doing what I have to do everyday, work.

It became very real for me when I had to paint our lounge this weekend. Everyone was ready to turn up, we knew the outcome and then things happened. I wasn’t able to get the paint early enough, people came over to visit, and we started late. However, by roping in an extra pair of hands we got the job done.

What did I learn? I learned that planning, being conservative in my time frames and outcomes, getting the right people (family), getting extra people when needed (my dad) and having everyone on the same page will get a job done.

If you’re in Auckland enjoy your day off. The weather is looking great for us.